Interface EventMerger
Table of Contents
- mergeEvents() : IEvent
- Combines two events when possible to have grouping:
Combines two events when possible to have grouping:
mergeEvents(string $mergeParameter, IEvent $event[, IEvent|null $previousEvent = null ]) : IEvent
Example1: Two events with subject '{user} created {file}' and $mergeParameter file with different file and same user will be merged to '{user} created {file1} and {file2}' and the childEvent on the return will be set, if the events have been merged.
Example2: Two events with subject '{user} created {file}' and $mergeParameter file with same file and same user will be merged to '{user} created {file1}' and the childEvent on the return will be set, if the events have been merged.
The following requirements have to be met, in order to be merged:
- Both events need to have the same
- Both events must not have a message
- Both events need to have the same subject
- Both events need to have the same object type
- The time difference between both events must not be bigger then 3 hours
- Only up to 5 events can be merged.
- All parameters apart from such starting with $mergeParameter must be the same for both events.